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Ayushakti EU



Regular price €18,00
Regular price Sale price €18,00
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  • Acacia catechu bark extract
  • Curcuma longa rhizome extract
  • Psoralea corylifolia seed extract
  • Cedrus deodara bark extract
  • Sphaeranthus indicus extract
  • Emblica officinalis fruit extract
  • Terminalia belerica fruit extract
  • Terminalia chebula fruit extract
  • Piper cubeba fruit extract
  • Eugenia aromatica bulb
  • Elettaria cardamomum seed
  • Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark
  • Piper nigrum fruit
  • Piper longum fruit

Film Coating:

  • Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose


  • Nu-MAG (Rice Extract, Rice Hulls, Gum Arabic, and Sunflower Oil)


  • 1 tablet twice a day


  • Blood and Tissue Cleanser: Cleanses blood, muscle, and skin tissue.
  • Dosha Harmony: Harmonises all three doshas, reducing vata and correcting its movement, and reducing kapha.
  • Mild Laxative: Slightly purgative, removing excess pitta and ama from the small intestines via the stool.
  • Detoxification: Removes toxins and excess pitta via the skin through sweating.
  • Clears Rasa and Rakta Dhatu: Clears rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood) dhatu.
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Destroys worms, bacteria, amoebas, and other parasites.
  • Digestive Support: Stimulates digestive enzymes and increases agni (digestive fire).
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